R-Type and Galaxian – 1/2 of 1st Semester:
Final Result:
Debug Mode with Fun Visualizations:
CPU Ray Tracer – 2/2 of 1st Semester:
Final Result:
Raspberry Pi 4 / Windows Renderer – OpenGL – 1/2 of 2nd Semester:
Rendering Examples – Normal Maps, Post-Processing & Lights:
Final Result:
If you want to see more from this project I have a blog post about it HERE.
Tiki Taradiddles – 1/2 of 1st Semester
SQL Online Database in Unreal 5:
This is a showcase of the cloud SQL damage database shared between all users made by me and Andrei Bazzaev. It saves the level, position, and severity of the damage taken, and after that displays it to the player the next time he loads the game. It’s like what Super Mario Maker had showing all the places people died. I’m extremely proud of this feature because it was very difficult to implement:
Note: The final game is more polished, thus no “Final Result”, but just Result. I CBA to record a new video since the project is so old. Play it here.
I’ve written a Blog Post about my first year at University.
If you want to know more, you can find that HERE